Minutes of meetings

Meeting Minutes

Although I have not posted any meeting minutes for a while, 开会 is if anything more of a popular pastime in China than it ever was in the UK. Here are my notes from todays meeting…

Interesting fact: Samsung Phones english translation of chinese translation of bollocks came up with "Albanian Nonsense"
Interesting fact: Samsung Phones english translation of chinese translation of bollocks came up with “Albanian Nonsense”
Hedgehogs are mild creatures but even they can get angry when you waste their time.
Hedgehogs are mild creatures but even they can get angry when you waste their time.
Minutes of meetings

Staff Conference 2012

It has been a while since I have posted the minutes of any meetings (this time last year I was jet lagged and asleep). Keeping with the Chengdu theme I have recorded the minutes using the medium of Pandas…


Minutes of meetings

Area Meeting August 23rd

Amoeba Minutes

Doodles Minutes of meetings

May Area Meeting Minutes

minutes may

Minutes of meetings

April Area Meeting


Minutes of meetings

Minutes of the Area Meeting March

March was a particularly interesting meeting…

area march

Minutes of meetings

Tutor meeting minutes

One of our strengths at the college has to be our fine tutorial system. This is the result of the discussions at the February tutor meeting…

tutor feb

Minutes of meetings

Area meeting minutes for february…

I thought it was good that these were made widely available as they contain insight into educational practice…

area feb