New Year Resolutions 2011 Sonnets

Keyboards v Pens

I find computer keyboards boring…

The pen is mightier than the sword, but who wins out of a keyboard and a pen? Maybe computer keyboard beats pen (due to autocorrect). Pen beats sword (somehow). Sword beats keyboard (chops power cable to pc). A sort of duller office version of rock, scissors, paper…

Most things I write I have decided to type
It’s a more correctable medium than is the Pen
It’s one of the ways I can talk via Skype
Tho a mic and a cam I’ll use now and then
But I have noticed I’ve a faded key A
And the same fate has befallen the N
Tho Q looks as new as on its first day
Seems some keys need better labels then
Such issues are not the case with pen and ink
And folk do like getting hand written mail
Easier on the eye than times roman I Think
And the postman really does not often fail
So to ditch the pen would be quite absurd
Even when I write much in Microsoft Word
Alfonso the kitten
This might have been the reason for my faded N key...

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