Dogs with no noses are famous for their comedy value. Less well known is the following joke:
Man* 1:My dog rolls around in stinking refuse
Man 2: How does he smell
Man 1: With his nose
Incidentally the “no nose joke” was the most popular out of a range of unfunny jokes such as:
Man 1: My dog has no liver
Man 2: how does he detoxify his blood and synthesise proteins?
Man 1: Badly
And the one most relevant to snake like dogs…
Man 1: My dog has no legs
Man 2: How does he run?
Man 1: Awfully

These dogs can be easily trained, but they take the command “heel” to be a bit insensitive.
(* Women would not waste their time with crap jokes**)
(** Not when there are jobs around the house to do)